From the military siding cycle path

The Přibyslav – Sázava line functioned as a military siding, which disappeared in the 1980s. The track gradually fell into disrepair and overgrown. After 2010, the investor came up with the idea of building a cycle path here, which has become popular in the country, and from the defunct tracks, cycle paths are gradually growing, which have year-round use.
Přibyslav Old Railway Station
Here is the rest of the former track – quite well preserved

Warehouses behind the station
Remains can still be seen here

The remnants of the sleeper
I was surprised by this concrete sleeper

View of the Prague - Brno line
Next to it is the Prague – Brno line

Bike path where the track led
Today, this place is decorated with asphalt

Dead Line Bridge
One of the bridges of the dead track

This wind is also inhabited. The owner must be thrilled that now hundreds of people are running around him every day

Again a view of the Prague - Brno line
Such views are also offered.

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Giga List: In the footsteps of dead tracks
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