Divine view of Lake Egirdir

The peak of Mount Sivri Dagi lies high above the town of Egirdir and offers unforgettable views of Lake Egirdir, which is surrounded by high mountains. You can get to the top of the mountain in several ways or. from different directions … I will try to describe our infantry, unorganized ascent through the military area, which is used to train the Turkish military commando, which has its base in Egirdir.
Trek to Sivri Dagi
The trek to the summit of Sivri Dagi, which lies at an altitude of 1749 meters above sea level above Lake Egirdir – is not very well known. Many locals who have lived here all their lives have never traveled to the top of the mountain – perhaps because the road passes through military space …
A long way along the road
We set out from a peninsula that extends into Lake Egirdir. An endless asphalt road lines the shore of the lake until it finally turns uphill, where it gradually turns into a narrower broken road …

Finally out of civilization
The broken road turns into a dirt road …

Sivri Dagi
The road zigzags higher and higher …

Although it is a military area, there are several pastoral buildings that are guarded by shepherd dogs …

Military area
The fact that this is a military area is pointed out by signs describing various tactical operations … Sometimes even shooting is heard …

Before the last climb ...
Herders who lead their herds down into the valley …

Just below the top ...
The last few steps separate a person from the magnificent views of the huge lake Egirdir …

View of Lake Egirdir ...
Sivri Dagi and views of Lake Egirdir and the town of the same name …

Night descent
In the end, the trip was more time consuming and even in the hills we were caught in the dark …

Finally ...
This is a very nice trip, which is not difficult at all, but it is necessary to take into account that one moves in a military area, where military exercises can take place, and therefore it is very important not to leave the road …