Historic city with the largest cathedral

Košice is the second largest city in Slovakia and the capital of the East Slovak region. It is an important transport hub, where, among other things, the wide-gauge railway from Russia and Ukraine ends. The Constitutional Court of Slovakia and a number of other important institutions are located here. The historic city center is the largest monument reserve in Slovakia.
Old Town
The center of the historic old town is the 1200 meter long „Main Street“, on which most of the historically valuable buildings are concentrated. Most of this wide street is a pedestrian zone. Approximately halfway along its axis is an island with parks and fountains, which is dominated by the most important buildings of the city – the chapel of St. St. Michael's Cathedral Elizabeth, Urban's Tower, the State Theater and the Marian Column.

A stream flowing through the center of the city
Once a stream flowed through the main street, which was later transferred underground, now a great attraction is the newly renovated almost 300 m long Čermelský stream, on which there is even a small waterfall

The largest church in Slovakia
The Dome of St. Elizabeth of Thuringia is the easternmost Gothic cathedral in Europe and is the largest church in Slovakia, which can accommodate more than 5,000 people at a time. It is a late Gothic three-nave building 60 meters long and 39.5 meters wide with two towers in the facade. It was completed in 1506.

The pinnacle of medieval stonemasonry
The internal layout of the temple is unique, because the main nave and the four side naves cross in half of their length one transverse nave of the same height and width as the main nave with which it forms the Greek cross. This creates a large central space in the center of the cathedral and three equivalent gables on the exterior with richly decorated portals, which belong to the peaks of medieval stonemasonry in Central Europe.
National Historic Landmark
The complex of the church and the adjacent buildings of the Chapel of St. Michael (a Gothic single-nave building from the end of the 14th century) and the Urban Tower (former bell tower) was declared a national cultural monument.
State Theater
The State Theater is a richly decorated Neo-Baroque building built in 1899. It stands on the site of the former medieval town hall and the older theater building from 1790.

Košice government program
Opposite the cathedral stands the East Slovak Gallery building on Hlavní street. It is located in the former county house, where on April 5, 1945, the first meeting of the Czechoslovak government took place in the liberated territory, where the Košice government program was announced. He shifted the orientation of Czechoslovakia further towards the USSR and laid the foundations for the transfer of property for national administration and land reform.