Where was the hottest place in the Czech Republic?
The temperature record in our territory was recorded on August 20, 2012 in Dobřichovice near Prague. Thanks to a gust of hot air from the Sahara, the temperature in the shade reached 40.4 °C. This broke the previous record from June 27, 1983 from the Prague Uhříněves station, which measured 40.2 °C at the time.
Temperature record monument
In honor of the Czech temperature record, a marble monument in the shape of a thermometer with the record temperature was unveiled in the village one year after the record was set. It was created by the famous sculptor Petr Váńa from white marble, the Mercury column showing 40.4 is from red stone.
Weather station
The Dobřichovická station, located at an altitude of 205 m above sea level, has been supplying data to the Czech National Institute of Meteorology since 1 May 1999, and during this time it set another Czech record – on New Year's Eve 2022, they measured 18.2 °C here, which is a Czech record for that day.
Another interesting fact is that in the same year on 11/02/2012 this station also recorded the lowest local temperature of –24.2 °C.