Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul

Dominant of the city of Brno

Martina Pill
Wrote 25 articles and follows him / her 7 travelers
Inserted: 31.05.2017
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One of the main landmarks of the city of Brno is the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul. Originally, a Romanesque rotunda stood on this site. Later, this model ceased to suit and in the 14th century there was a Gothic reconstruction. In connection with the damage to the church during the Swedish siege, the period of two Baroque reconstructions is also important for the architecture of the building. However, Petrov, as the dominant feature of the metropolis with two towers, is the result of the neo-Gothic manuscript of A. Kirstein from 1909. YOU MAY NOT KNOW THAT … … one of Peter's peculi­arities is the ringing of noon, which resounds from the cathedral every day in 11 hours? It recalls the year 1645, when Brno was the only city in Moravia to defend itself against the Swedish siege during the Thirty Years' War. According to legend, after three and a half months of siege, General Torstenson said that if he could not conquer the city before noon rang on Peter, he would end the siege. Defender commander Louis Radouit de Souches then used tricks, set the bell to ring an hour earlier at noon, and the Swedish army withdrew with an untaken one.

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