Explore North of Pakistan

Sayed Hunzai
Napsal/a 1 článků
Vloženo: 21.05.2023
Autor: Sayed Hunzai © gigaplaces.com
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Northern Pakistan is one of Asia's highlights, with fascinating ethnic groups and landscapes that will leave you speechless. The North of Pakistan is famous for its mountains, high peaks and beautiful valleys and lakes. This region has the confluence of the Himalayas, Karakorum's, Hindu Kush and the Pamir's. Some of the highest mountain peaks in the world are found here. Due to its Alpine terrain and climate, tourism mainly happens in the Different Season Blossom, Summer, Autumn months. However, the diehard mountaineers and hikers visit this area throughout the year. There are also a number of opportunities for adventure tourism in particular paragliding, white water rafting and extreme skiing.

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