Mexico: Nature


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Lucie Markova Wrote 02.02.2013:

Mexico is known for its high volcanoes towering over the plateau. Here you will find three 5,000-meter peaks and nine 4,000-meter peaks. Highest mountains: Mexico's highest mountain is the Pico de Orizaba volcano (5,636 m above sea level). Much better known, however, is the still active Popocatepetl (5,452 m above sea level). The third 5,000-meter peak is Iztaccihuatl (5,230 m above sea level). Tourist mountains: La Malinche (4,462 m above sea level) is popular among tourists.

Mountain passes

Lucie Markova Wrote 02.02.2013:

Mexico's most famous mountain pass is Paso de Cortés (3,692 m above sea level) lying between the volcanoes Popocatepetl and Ixtaccihuatl. Today it is the starting point for ascents to these volcanoes. Historically, it is known for the transition of the Spanish conquerors, who went from there to the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan.

Lucie Markova Wrote 02.02.2013:

Mexico is famous for its volcanoes and huge Copper canyon in the north of the country.



Lucie Markova Wrote 02.02.2013:

The most famous Mexican waterfall is Aqua Azul located in the state of Chiapas.

Animals and Vegetation

Lucie Markova Wrote 02.02.2013:

Mexico stands out with its variety of flora and fauna. It results from the breadth of the country and the diversity of the natural conditions – starting from the snowy peaks of volcanoes, deserts, tropical forests to fertile agricultural areas. North of Mexico is typical of giant cactus, of which there is inexhaustible range. Agave also grows here, which is used to make tequila. Cotton thrives here as well. There is typical tropical flora in the south – especially different kinds of palm trees entwined with creepers. Mainly sugarcane, corn, cacao, coffee and palm oil are grown here.

Observing of Animals

Lucie Markova Wrote 02.02.2013:

In Mexico you can often encounter iguanas or Monitor lizard. Ordinary coatis are begging for food at tourist attractions. In residues of Yucatan and Chiapas jungle live jaguar.

Interesting vegetation

Lucie Markova Wrote 02.02.2013:

Cacti: Mexico is famous for its cacti, especially in the northern half of the country, where desert and semi-desert vegetation predominate. You will find more than 300 species of cacti in the famous Sonoran Desert, which extends into the USA. The most famous is the Saguaro species, which reaches an impressive sixteen meters. Then you will find agaves, prickly pears and other types of Mangroves: you will find mainly on the Yucatan. Tropical forest: its remains can be found mainly in the state of Chiapas.

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